Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Where's the beef, Mama?

If you had told me a year ago that we would be having this much fun, I'd have laughed in your face. This kid. Seriously. So. Much. Fun. Charlie is so happy and giggly and hammy. And the rolls. Dude has legit fat rolls, that I spend most of my days pinching. I'm so excited to take this ball of squish to his doctors check up tomorrow. They won't recognize this ham from the 4lb9oz fuzzball I brought in 6 months ago.

So. My boy has started eating. FOOD! So far, we've had sweet potatoes, avocado, and applesauce. I was going to do baby led weaning and still may, but for now, we're loosely eating homemade baby food. I say loosely, because he eats under 5 bites all told. Today, he fed himself with his spoon. Yep. Just under 6 months old and using a utensil.

This week, I purchased a high chair. A whopping $15 one from Ikea. I refuse to spend a shit ton of money on something that will need to be easily hosed off after every meal. $15? done. 

Playing with the drool rag that we must keep handy 24/7. This kid is a faucet. His first tooth has broken through, but it's nearly impossible to actually get a picture of it. 

Yesterday was our first real play date with my mom's group. Cupcakes and then the park.  Here are Benjamin and Charlie. All the kids there had great names... 
Alexander, Greyson, Graham, Benjamin, and Charlie.

There are now full out conversations with Murphy, the sheep dog.

And his new favorite place to chill, his chair. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

OH hai!

SO. I was planning to go back and "catch up" on my blogs. Every time I sit down to do it, I get busy. Apparently 5 month olds keep you on your toes. 5 MONTH OLD? Yes. My sweet, tiny, preemie, couldn't wait to get here baby is 5 months old. Closer to 6 at this point if you're counting. Or you're my mother in law. Hi, Meme, if you ever happen to read this.

We've taken several trips. We've gone to Louisiana a couple of times, Charlie had his first flight to Maine in June, and last night he had his first food... sweet potatoes. He's found his hands, his feet, my hands, my feet, Hanker's hands, Hanker's feet... you get the point. He is soooo inquisitive and amazing. He's at the age where he sees everything. He's always looking around. I love it. He's getting so interactive and giggly. OH the giggles. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who acts a total fool for their child, but here we are. With me acting like a goob to get this boy to giggle. Be still my heart.

The whirlwind nature of mine and Bob's courtship, marriage, and life has no slowed down at all. Charlie has just been folded into the mix, and we've all adjusted pretty well. Later this month will be our three year engagement-iversary. Holy crap. It barely seems like it's been a year.

I'm going to try to start blogging regularly again. But things come up. Like spit. And drool. And sweet Jesus, hopefully some teeth soon.

See you peeps around!