Friday, February 28, 2014

Week One.

So. Here we are. I'm blogging while holding a baby. Our boogie. Charles David. My Charlie.

Last Friday, after seeing the high risk doctor, finally getting my 35 week ultrasound, and being stuck at least 16 times with needles, Charlie was delivered at 12:52pm. 5lbs, 1oz, 18.25 inches long. I'd say it was a relatively routine C-section, but apparently it wasn't entirely. Dr J made the incision too small, I bled too much, Charlie didn't cry quick enough, and then I had an allergic reaction to my medication. It was an eventful lunch time hour to say the least.

Once they stabilized both of us and we both realized he was on the outside of me, things calmed down. And ya'll, he's perfect! Born at 35 weeks and 1 day, he had some immediate breathing issues, but they stabilized by the end of the day. His blood sugar leveled out after a day or so. He's still a smidge jaundiced, but not bad enough for treatment.

We've learned a few things about our little horse in the last week... he looks more like Bob than me, which is fine, because I wanted him to look like his Daddy. He hates to have his diaper changed. I mean, HATES IT. If he pulls his hat down over his eyes, he gets super pissy. He's a fan of boobs. He doesn't love to sleep between 3am-5am. He still doesn't fit into preemie clothes. He is Hank's new favorite thing to sniff. Oh, and he's perfect.

I still can't believe he's here. I still feel like I'll have to give him back at some point, that I'm not really going to be able to keep him. It still seems like I'm pretending to be a Mom, and that this is a dream. A really good one, but still a dream.

So. I give you one week of Charlie in photos. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

A day like no other.

I'll be the first to admit, life is a little crazy sometimes. Apparently it's best to be completely unprepared.

At my 35 week appointment yesterday, Dr J took one look at my puffy face and pulled me into an exam room. My blood pressure, let's just say, wasn't entirely healthy. After checking it a couple times, finding protein in my urine, and seeing hyper reflexes, she sent me straight to the hospital for monitoring. 

And now this morning, she told me on get ready to meet Boogie by noon. OH MY GOD. HE'S COMING TODAY!! 

I am all things.... Ready, nervous, worried he's 5 weeks early, concerned about my BP/headaches/seizure potential. It's all enough to keep my head spinning. 

We are slowly letting our families know this morning. We didn't tell anyone yesterday, except for a few friends in town who offered to help/sit with us yesterday.  

Today is the day I become someone's Mom. HOLY SHEEP BALLS! Keep us all in your thoughts today as we bring a little Boogie into the world! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Who needs drugs? ME.

Migraines while pregnant suck. Royally. They need to develop Imitrex for pregnant women. Seriously.

Two migraines in 4 days. Feels like college all over again. Except without the Imitrex and alcohol. Bleh.

This morning I ended up knocking back 4 Tylenol, a can of Dr Pepper, half a bar of chocolate from World Market, and put myself back to bed. I'm somewhat alive at this point, but gah.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy life.

So sitting here this morning, I was looking at all the pictures of Bob and I around our living room. Very soon, someone will be looking at those pictures thinking, those are my parents. Holy crap.

In looking at these pictures and back at mine and Bob's history together, I'm proud of the marriage we have. I'm so happy that we are bringing this baby into our relationship. I am having a baby with my very best friend. I get to experience all this with someone who knows me better than I know myself somedays, especially now with my hormonal baby brain.

I am so excited to see Bob as a dad. For so long, I saw him as a friend. One of my bestest. Now I get to see him as a husband. The chance to see him as a dad... This makes me happy. Especially since it's MY baby's dad!

Friday, February 14, 2014

All I needed was the sun.

This is a random post. Be warned. 

Well. My pity party is over. I still don't have a husband at home, but today I got out of our house for the first time since Tuesday. I never would have thought a trip to Food Lion (my least favorite grocery store, but the closest) would improve my spirits so much. But here we are.

Back over the holidays, I saw the cutest monogram charm at a store in Hometown. Since we hadn't named Baby yet, I didn't purchase that charm. Today, we still haven't named him, but a store online is having a sale on those charms. Sooo. I sent Bob an email link to the charm and the coupon (so he could be ahead of the game and get me a push present early). I told him I'd like either a G for our last name or a C for the baby (name I want). His response was less than stellar.... "So you want a D?" NO, punk ass. G or C. NO D. Grrrr. This kid's name is getting ridiculous.

While being stuck at home this week due to the "Epic winter storm" that hit us, I am totally caught up on thank you notes. All Baby's stuff is washed, divided by size, and put away. I took inventory of all the stuff we have (as I wrote thank yous), and now realize we MIGHT just have enough to get this new human started, without spending a ton more money.

One thing I did find out yesterday... Supposedly our insurance covered a breast pump as dictated by the AHA. Wellllll.... not OUR insurance. Naturally. Luckily a friend has offered to lend me hers, provided I purchase my own tubing and stuff. So that's a good thing. Even if something happens and we aren't able to get hers, I did some research last night and realized I don't NEED the $300 Medela one. I found some much more reasonable, all with excellent reviews. I'm feeling much more comfortable about that now too.

So now if I happen to get a husband at home tonight, it will be a good bonus. I know better than to expect getting anything commercial or flowery for Valentine's Day since he's been stuck in Maine all week. Just having him here will be a perfect gift!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A week of remembering.

There are some times of each year that you just know will be shitty. This particular week is one of them. In various years, three of the most important people to ever touch my life all passed away. Add pregnancy hormones and an absent husband and you have one hell of a craptastic week.

The first 5 years of my life, I lived and breathed for my great grandmother, Mom's grandmother. My mom was back in college, and I'd stay with my Nonnie every day when Mom went to class. We had a very special relationship. Even at 5 years old, I knew this. I remember the day she died. I remember where I was (Mamaw's house) and what I was wearing when my parents told me, or rather, when my Daddy told me. My mother couldn't quite speak, if I recall correctly. Nonnie had been her one and only constant during her childhood. We both struggled when she died. I still vividly remember all things surrounding her death on February 10, including her funeral a few days later, again, including what I wore. I wasn't sure what death was at the age of 5, but I knew enough to know my Nonnie was gone.

In 2005, I lost my Mamaw. My Dad's mom was the strongest woman I've ever known. Being the only granddaughter, she and I were special together. I was the one who drove her around, took her shopping (and to Burger King for fish sandwiches and vanilla malts), tilled her garden, learned her recipes, looked at her pictures, balanced her checkbook, learned the family stories, called her almost daily, and was the one she told when she was ready to finally go to the hospital when she was dying. She had a not so very long battle with ovarian cancer, and when she decided she was ready to go, she went. Her death is still the most peaceful event I've ever experienced. Myself, along with all my relatives, cousins, aunts, uncles were in the ICU cubicle when she died. Her breathing and heart rate slowed, and we all thought she was gone. Then she perked back up for a minute, enough for a cousin to comment that clearly heaven wasn't perfectly ready for her yet and she was waiting for them to sweep the floor again. A few minutes later, she was gone. We were all there with her when she took her last breath. It was peaceful and perfect, if you can describe a death as perfect, on February 13. I can tell you from experience, flower shops are not prepared to deal with grieving people picking out funeral flowers on Valentine's Day. But that's what my aunt and I did that day. And yes, it sucked as much as you can imagine.

Through both of those deaths, my Aunt Hazy had been there for me. She was Nonnie's daughter and roommate and had been an important part of mine and Mom's lives. She'd never had any children and made Mom and her own. She spoiled us both, not with money or stuff, but with love, homemade fudge, and amazing margaritas. She was the person that we could both go to for advice, or venting, or anything really. She was a sharp tongued, tell it like it is, smart ass who smoked like a chimney and rarely kept her thoughts to herself. In short, mine and Mom's hero. When she died on February 8, my world was totally shaken. During her wake and funeral, almost everyone there came up to me and told me what an important role I'd had in Sara's life, how she never missed an opportunity to talk about me and what I was doing at that point in life. I knew she had played a huge role in my life, but I never considered the role I'd played in hers. It made the hole she left even bigger, a hole that is still very much there.

I'm so ready for Bob to be home, but his trip back home keeps getting cancelled. He's been told the significance of this week in the past, but I haven't reminded him this year, and he hasn't been at home to see my sadness. This year, it's been my own sad struggle alone, which is okay. It has made me even more ready for my little guy to be here. I need someone to hug and snuggle with, besides Hank, who has had the most epic flatulence this week. Thanks, bud.... as if I needed another reason to make my eyes water.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome to my brain.

I think we've established that sometimes I'm a bit slow on the uptake. I don't deny it. My blonde roots show more often than not. This pregnancy isn't helping matters.

Since getting pregnant, I've been pretty happy that I wouldn't be pregnant during the summer. However, I never considered that I'd be pregnant during the winter instead. Winter. When we have ice and sleet and snow. When travel to and fro' the hospital gets iffy. When your husband barely makes it to work only to potentially get stranded in Maine because of the winter weather. As I said... slow.

The current winter storm we're experiencing has made me realize shit could get real. Soon. Right now, Bob is essentially stuck in Maine on an airline trip. Our roads are impassable at the moment. My car is not equipped to get through snow and ice. All these things make me remember we still have lots of winter left.

So. I'm hoping and praying that when little dude decides to make his entrance into the world it'll be a bright sunny day, with no inclement weather, and a Dad who is in the immediate tri-state area. When I was born, I was 5 weeks early. Let's hope dude man doesn't follow in his Mama's preemie footsteps. Plus, I selfishly want it to be warm, because the coming home outfit I've chosen won't be feasible if it's cold outside!

So think snuggly, happy, bun still in the oven until a warm, sunny day thoughts please!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Baby Gear.

As I stated yesterday, we're getting closer!! I don't remember if I've said this or not lately, but I feel wholly unprepared for this child. We have tons of crap, but I still don't feel like it's enough. I know, I know. I'm trying to think of this as if I were preparing for a vacation... whatever I don't have yet, I'll buy later when I need it.

We got in our car seat. Yay! I went with UppaBaby Mesa, mainly because it's so light and easy to use, or at least it was in BuyBuyBaby when Michael demonstrated for me. With my body issues, I needed something that was super safe, but didn't weigh a ton. With adapters, we can use it with our Baby Jogger City Mini, which I can't wait to use.

Tonight I've been researching baby carriers. I've narrowed it down. I think. We're going to start with a Boba wrap, and then move to a Tula carrier once he hits 15lbs. I could get a Tula to use now, but then I'd have to buy a newborn insert and that's $40 additional dollars I'm not interested in putting into this situation. So. Boba for now and Tula for later.

Our diaper bag will be here tomorrow. I went with a Pottery Barn one, mainly because it's cute and has lots of pockets and storage options. I'm ready to pack it for the hospital! I've also been working on collecting all the crap I'll need for my hospital bag. Gah. I'm going to feel like we're moving in to Presby, which I guess, we will be for a few days.

The only major thing we're still needing is a crib mattress. Or at least I think that's all we need. And we don't need that immediately, because he'll be sleeping in the pack n play in our room for the first few weeks.

It's just so hard to know how many of what you'll need. How many newborn outfits/diapers? How many swaddle blankets and sleep saks? How many paci's and what kind of bottles? Which formula to use as a back up when/if breastfeeding doesn't work? Do we use a video monitor or only an audio one? GAH.

Clearly, Hank is just as excited about our car seast as we are .

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Grandpa George.

We're ending this week on a sad note. Bob's last living grandparent, Grandpa George, passed away this week. He's been having heart trouble since this past summer, and has gone downhill ever since. For the last week, he's been on a steady decline, so we were pretty prepared to get the phone call. Bob took off work this weekend and went up to Maine, mainly to be there for his Dad. There isn't a funeral right now, but there will be a memorial service in May.

Selfishly, Bob and I both wanted Grandpa to be there long enough to meet Baby G. However, I know Grandpa was ready to go. He's had a long road the last few months, and it's a relief to know he's no longer in any pain.

I didn't get to spend a ton of time with Grandpa, but I the time I had was awesome. We hung out and really got to know each other over Thanksgiving, sharing our questionable thoughts about the microwaved turkey we were served. Yes, it's Bob's aunt's tradition to microwave an entire, whole turkey in a 1984 model microwave. No, it's not as good as our fried turkey...

Last year, Grandpa and I both went to Bob's cousin's high school graduation party. Being 32 and 80, we were the singled out generations. Everyone else was either 18-20 or 40-50's. So gpa and I hung out the entire night, commiserating over catered Moes, which was quite an improvement over the microwaved turkey we'd had at Thanksgiving.

While he was known to be slightly grouchy and hard to deal with, I loved him and his personality. After a bumpy first meeting, during which he told Bob (in front of me) that he thought I'd be taller and blonde, we definitely recovered and shared some good times.

He will definitely be missed, but Baby G will know all about his Grandpa George, along with all the other special people Bob and I hold dear.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lady of Leisure.

Or boredom. So today was my first day of not working. On one hand, it's good because I can rest, prop up the cankles, and keep my blood pressure somewhat in check. On the other hand, holy boredom, batman. I got the point where I took Hank for a car ride just to get out of the house. THIS IS DAY ONE.

Tomorrow I have been asked to hang out with Ben while E gets her hair done. At least I have a reason and function to leave the house tomorrow. So that's good. It's a start.

Wednesday I'm having a me day... pedicure and massage. Thursday is Ikea with Auntie Jess. Friday is my doctors appointment. Now that covers the rest of this week, but then what? OMG.