Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lots of blue!

SO last night, Auntie Jess and I went to register for Baby. Holy balls. Instead of spreading out over several baby stores, I'm only registering at one for basics and one for cutesy stuff.

Last night, we were in BuyBuyBaby for almost 4 hours. I was smart and made an appointment with a personal shopper. Shavonda and Mike were lifesavers. There's no way possible I would have made it out of that store alive without their help. I feel like I registered for the entire store, but in reality, it's probably not even half of what we'll need for the baby. Once I got home, I tweaked it a little bit. I have a feeling it'll be like our wedding registry. I'll make tons of changes between now and March, and I'll stalk it regularly. While there, I bought a few things that I didn't think would be there later... a sweet little Wendy Bellissimo sweater and some burp cloths that were extra cute. Auntie Jess bought Baby a pacy holder with planes on it. Super cute!

I also started a Pottery Barn Kids registry online, mostly for blankets and cute little things. Although I did find a changing table there that I love. Bob will be in for quite a surprise when he sees all these things. And we'll both be shocked when we have to find a place for all this gear in our house!!

Friday, October 25, 2013


Well, it's been a roller coaster week in our house.

Let's start with Wednesday. We found out.... WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!! HE was super very proud to show us his junk. As I was lying on the table, the tech did all the measurements first. Then she started looking for gender clues. She had barely started looking when I saw IT and started crying. Immediately. Bob was so confused. The tech said, "Aw. Mama sees what's going on!" We clued Bob in. He cried. I kept crying. We made the tech cry.

We both wanted a boy, but Bob was convinced it was a girl. We took all the pictures and went to sit in the hallway to wait to see Doctor J. While out there, we started crying again. We dried it up and went into an exam room, where we started crying again. The Doc had seen us a couple of times by then, and made a pretty good amount of fun of us for crying for so long. 

Here's our boy!

Saying hi to us.

A sweet little profile.

After my appointment, I went on to work that afternoon. After work, I was in a car accident. My poor car... A lady failed to stop while leaving a parking lot and t-boned my passenger side. We were both okay, but I called my doc just in case. She advised me to go to the ER just make sure the baby was okay. So 4-5 hours later, we left the ER with a confirmation that baby boy was okay and that HE was definitely a boy.

It was so cute during that ultrasound. He was asleep. The tech kinda pushed on my belly, and he woke up, looked around, stretched out, rolled over, and went back to sleep. It. Was. Adorable. And I cried. Again.

Along with everything else this week, my gpa ended up in the hospital for emergency surgery, and we also found out his brother passed away. I wasn't close to my great uncle, but I know it's weighing heavily on my gpa, especially since he was in the hospital and unable to attend the funeral.

So we're hoping next week we will all be back to normal. Or as much as normal as possible! For now, I'm working on keeping baby BOY toasty and snuggly. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sickly, but excited.

I hate to sound ungrateful or complainy, but gah. Being pregnant can suck. Especially during ragweed season. I'm so sick, and apparently I can't take a decongestant. I go to my doctor tomorrow, mainly to find out what Baby is (!!!!!!), but also to talk about my snottiness.

I always knew pregnancy would be difficult. I'd been hoping otherwise, but had a sinking feeling it wouldn't be easy. Between my back, my sinuses, and my exhaustion, I'm barely making it through the day. To say I'm ready to meet this little bundle would be an understatement... obviously for more than one reason!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bump watch.

A couple of people have requested a picture, so I sent this out to them today. I'm posting it here too, so I can keep up as well. Please ignore our white walls, disorganized mud room, and Jack in the background. Painting our new house has fallen on a back burner, especially with me being sick this week. Hurricane Bob came home last night and our house is no longer pristine and put away.

I am 17 weeks along right now. I've gained 8lbs since getting pregnant. Next week, we find out what we're having. I'm excited. I have pinned sooo many things on Pinterest, to a private board, of course. I'm ready to start narrowing down those pins- either to pink or blue. Or shades of those. I don't want to do something typical, so our colors won't really be pink or blue. Not straight up anyway.

So here's the bump. This is why the girls at work call me "belly." As in, "Uh oh. Belly gotta pee. Again. Ya'll watch out."

Monday, October 14, 2013

Pickles and....

Well. I've had my first weird craving. Pickles at all isn't weird. I've loved pickles my whole life. But washed down with orange juice is new. I bought a jar of pickles at the store yesterday, and I've eaten them already. Paired with orange juice, of course.

The oj is good right now. I'm struggling with a raging sinus infection, which sucks even more while pregnant. I'm waiting on a call from my doc about drugs I can take. It's weird to me to think about what I take, what I put in my body, now that I'm pregnant. Drug users and addicts abuse all sorts of things while pregnant, and they have seemingly healthy babies all the time. And here I'm concerned about medicine that would make me human again. It's a hard fine line to walk. Or to nap on. Whatever.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New names.

I'm a little slow sometimes. Yes, I'm pregnant. Yes, I know I'm having a baby and this will likely change almost everything in our lives. But still. Last night, it just dawned on me that Bob and I will be Mommy and Daddy in a few short months. Of all of our names, given and nicknames, these are two we've never had before. It's weird to think about.

I've been thinking about planning ahead and the decisions we need to make: to bank cord blood, to use cloth diaper vs disposable, to breastfeed, which church to christen the baby, how many pack and plays and boppy's we need, whether or not to accept a free crib or buy a new one. I've considered all these things, but for some reason, I haven't considered them as "Mom." I've considered them as Rachel, as Bob's wife, as Dad's daughter, as Hank's mom. But not as Baby's mom. It's weird. I will be responsible for a whole 'nother person.  And it's scaring the shit out of me.