Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bump watch.

A couple of people have requested a picture, so I sent this out to them today. I'm posting it here too, so I can keep up as well. Please ignore our white walls, disorganized mud room, and Jack in the background. Painting our new house has fallen on a back burner, especially with me being sick this week. Hurricane Bob came home last night and our house is no longer pristine and put away.

I am 17 weeks along right now. I've gained 8lbs since getting pregnant. Next week, we find out what we're having. I'm excited. I have pinned sooo many things on Pinterest, to a private board, of course. I'm ready to start narrowing down those pins- either to pink or blue. Or shades of those. I don't want to do something typical, so our colors won't really be pink or blue. Not straight up anyway.

So here's the bump. This is why the girls at work call me "belly." As in, "Uh oh. Belly gotta pee. Again. Ya'll watch out."