So. Bob has deployed a lot in the last two years. And when I say a lot, I mean he's practically been deployed for the entire last two years. Off and on. A couple or six months at a time. While he's there, he usually stimulates our economy here, one Amazon and/or Apple purchase at a time.
This past deployment, he reigned in his spending while he was in 'istan (citing our upcoming wedding as the reason). However, when he got home, his intentions were a little less charitable... toward our wedding anyway. A couple of months ago, I explained we hung our wedding "guest book" in the (now yellow) powder room downstairs. The reason: our ridiculously large television.
Turns out, this monster sized television served as his post-deployment prize (his previous purchases include a Corvette and crotch rocket, so a television didn't seem too bad). Prior to this tv, he had a modestly sized 50ish something inch above the mantle. But omg. He could see a lot of wall on either side of it. Solution... a bigger television that covers more of the wall. Yep.
This past Sunday, we were fighting over whether to watch the Saints game or the Braves game. We both wanted to be downstairs to watch our games, so we finally discovered the Picture in Picture feature. Turns out, programming doesn't allow for a television as large as ours. PIP is supposed to be in the bottom-ish corner. Ours was more in the middle.
So what did Bob do? He took a page out of my book and took to facebook to bitch about it. Me and the boy couldn't be more perfect for each other if we tried. However, a few weeks ago when he mentioned that he could still see a little bit of wall on either side of the television, I almost punched him. Okay. Not almost. I did.