Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No bitching zone.

I'm not going to bitch about our kitchen. Promise. I would catch you up on our lives, but that would involve bitching about our kitchen. So instead of talking about what we've been doing, here's what we're going to do...

Bob (I) bought me a Christmas present yesterday. That boy is a fool if he thinks I'm really going to wait until Christmas to actually use it. I learned my lesson last year. Bob bought me a panini maker "for Christmas" in October. He stashed it in the closet at his house and then freaking deployed for 2 months, then went straight to training. So I didn't get my panini maker until APRIL when I moved here. So. The lovely, beautiful, amazing Kate Spade purse that I ordered yesterday (which will be perfect to use for fall) WILL be used well before Christmas ever even thinks of arriving.

We have some pretty fun stuff to do in the months to come. (I'm focusing on future fun stuff instead of dwelling on my lack of kitchen. Not bitching, just explaining.) Some friends of ours are getting married in Lake Tahoe in a few of weeks. I'm so ridiculously excited to watch those kids get married. I big pink puffy heart them both. She's adorable and he's amazing.

In October, we having the National Guard dining out. It's basically prom for grown ups. I fully intend on having a rocking dress, courtesy of Rent the Runway. Screw buying another dress I'll never wear again. I'm renting this shit from now on.

Besides trips and functions, I'm really excited about our house. (I'm still not bitching.) There are so many things I've wanted to do since I moved in, and I just haven't had time. Our kitchen is going to be phenomenal. We're putting down hardwood floors. I'm painting upstairs and getting our guest rooms in some sort of cozy, welcoming order. And at some point, our backyard will be the envy of the neighborhood.

Oh. And I'm getting a dog. As soon as our house isn't moldy anymore (just stating a fact, not bitching).