Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weekend Recap.

Sooo. Guess what? WE GOT A CLEAR AIR TEST! Squee! Robert and guys will be here tomorrow to finish demo and the start floating drywall later this week. I'm ridiculously excited about drywall.

Last week, I headed to Hometown for my "nephew" Kade's 4th birthday. He, in all of his 4 year old glory, had an LSU-themed fish fry for his party. There was a tiger bounce house and a super cute cake and approximately 47,000 children. I was happy I planned ahead and brought a large Rum Berry Sour with extra shots with me. (Doesn't everyone in Hometown drive thru Rabbs before attending children's birthday parties?)

To fully participate in the party, I drove ALL over Hometown searching for a LSU shirt to wear. I finally settled on a purple plaid button down, because this Tech fan just couldn't quite stomach wearing something emblazoned with LSU. Last year's party was a smidge more exciting, but that was for other reasons.

My plan was to stay in Hometown until this Wednesday, you know, the one we're having tomorrow. But since I fly stand-by, Pa and I were concerned that between Isaac and the DNC, I wouldn't make it back to Charlotte this week. So. I woke up at 3:30 yesterday morning and made it back to Charlotte around noon. It was not fun. But, I'm home and ready to see Bob when he gets done with work!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No bitching zone.

I'm not going to bitch about our kitchen. Promise. I would catch you up on our lives, but that would involve bitching about our kitchen. So instead of talking about what we've been doing, here's what we're going to do...

Bob (I) bought me a Christmas present yesterday. That boy is a fool if he thinks I'm really going to wait until Christmas to actually use it. I learned my lesson last year. Bob bought me a panini maker "for Christmas" in October. He stashed it in the closet at his house and then freaking deployed for 2 months, then went straight to training. So I didn't get my panini maker until APRIL when I moved here. So. The lovely, beautiful, amazing Kate Spade purse that I ordered yesterday (which will be perfect to use for fall) WILL be used well before Christmas ever even thinks of arriving.

We have some pretty fun stuff to do in the months to come. (I'm focusing on future fun stuff instead of dwelling on my lack of kitchen. Not bitching, just explaining.) Some friends of ours are getting married in Lake Tahoe in a few of weeks. I'm so ridiculously excited to watch those kids get married. I big pink puffy heart them both. She's adorable and he's amazing.

In October, we having the National Guard dining out. It's basically prom for grown ups. I fully intend on having a rocking dress, courtesy of Rent the Runway. Screw buying another dress I'll never wear again. I'm renting this shit from now on.

Besides trips and functions, I'm really excited about our house. (I'm still not bitching.) There are so many things I've wanted to do since I moved in, and I just haven't had time. Our kitchen is going to be phenomenal. We're putting down hardwood floors. I'm painting upstairs and getting our guest rooms in some sort of cozy, welcoming order. And at some point, our backyard will be the envy of the neighborhood.

Oh. And I'm getting a dog. As soon as our house isn't moldy anymore (just stating a fact, not bitching).

Monday, August 20, 2012


In my television flipping laziness, I've noticed a show on MTV called Ridiculousness. I have no idea what this show is about. I've only seen it on the guide. But it could be about my kitchen.

Our air test came back moldy. Sooo. They're coming back to clean AGAIN tomorrow and then retest the air again on Wednesday, which means we'll have an answer on Friday at the earliest. Saturday will be 4 full weeks of no kitchen. Holy balls.

And guess what? It'll take at least three weeks to get cabinets built and installed. Once that's done, the countertop guy will come measure. Then it'll be another two weeks after that to get countertops, then three-ish days to install. At some point along the way, they have to repaint the dining room and kitchen, including the ceilings. 

Bob and I have talked about a celebration dinner when all this is complete. We want to do a Thanksgiving-style meal, complete with a fried turkey. At this rate, it'll happen on effing Thanksgiving. Omg.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Waffle (ing) in the kitchen.

Sooo. I'm still alive. My kitchen is still dead. So obvs not much has changed 'round these parts.

Yesterday, Bob and I made our 5th (ish) trip to go look at countertops and backsplashes. After two hours in store #3, we made a decision. Then we got home after dinner last night and he wasn't so certain anymore.

We got engaged after two months of long distance dating. He made the decision to get down on one knee at our college apartment and give me his grandmothers ring after 9 years of friendship and 60 days of long distance dating. Give or take a few. Yet, he's waffling hourly about our damn backsplash and countertops. Omg.

We had our second air test this morning. Assuming this test comes back clean on Monday, we'll get to start actually rebuilding. Assuming we can agree on what's going back in there.

God help us next month we have to decide on hardwood floors.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mold schmold.

Apparently it's Tuesday again. Sorry for slacking.

Our kitchen is still exactly as it was last Tuesday. Being dehumidified. All reconstruction halted, because our HOA has decided to take responsibility for the problem (which is absolutely shocking). Since they are "taking care of it" we're dealing with their insurance now too. So much fun.

We can remain here in the house during all this, even though there is a significant amount of mold spores upstairs. Not downstairs because of the air scrubber. So much fun.

One day I'll blog again. One day when I can sit in my living room and/or bedroom without getting a splitting headache. So much fun.