Friday, May 11, 2012

He's a keeper. The ac unit is not.

So. Bob's house is roughly 4 years old. It had a brand spanking new air conditioner installed during construction. If you're unfamiliar with the lifespan of ac units, when properly cared for, they can last 25+ years. Yep. So the fact that our 4 year old ac is leaking freon is NOT good news.

So after listening to this ac guy tell us our numerous (expensive) options and paying to have it quick-fixed, guess what my incredibly sweet (yet seething and boiling underneath) husband did? Took me to lunch, swung by the golf shop (for about an hour of stress relief), and then took me to buy furniture. This boy has a heart of gold and the patience of a saint.

On that same note, I got a new dresser! Squeee!!

Vegas is out, but tomorrow I get furniture delivered and possibly a baseball game. I'm such a lucky girl!