So since we're talking about house stuff, our downstairs guest bathroom has new reading material. The ESPN magazines and Victoria's Secret catalogs are still in their place of honor in the magazine basket. However, there's some juicy new stuff in there.

If you're wondering, why, yes. That is the guest book from our wedding. The print of our first song, Etta James, At Last, with the signatures and well wishes of all our wedding guests surrounding it. In the john. So everyone can read it while they're relieving themselves. You can see it from standing and in the mirror while sitting. Perfect spot. Yep.
I wanted to put it somewhere I would see it everyday. Where the guests to our home would see it as well. And since there's a 70 inch television (yes 70 inch- we can discuss later) above the mantle, the guest bathroom seemed like the next logical choice.
So if you ever come to our home, please take an extra moment in our toilet to see one of our most favorite pieces of wall art. Right above the