Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rollovers and names.

Well, I learned something about my baby. He doesn't like being squished.

We have a tempurpedic bed at home. With that kind of bed, I can lie down on my stomach and not squish the baby. The bed forms around my belly, and he still has plenty of room.

Our first night away from home during our Thanksgiving vacation, I rolled over onto my stomach and Baby started kicking the shit out of me. I was mostly asleep when this happened and immediately woke up laughing. I could just picture him in there, banging on my belly, yelling, "MOOOOM! You're squishing me!!" Poor kidlet.

During our trip, we also discussed baby names with our families. At the top of Bob's list, is his name. Bob isn't his real name. Really, his name is not quite that easy. He's a junior. And Bob is pushing for a third. I am not. I do not want a third. Plus, our baby girl name is a play on Bob's middle name. I don't want a third, because then we wouldn't be able to use our girl name (should we ever have a girl).

At the top of my list is Charles David. And we'd call him Charlie. In fact, I already do. I refer to him as Charlie when I talk to people. When I talk to him, I call him Charlie. It's kinda stuck in my mind.

When Bob was born, his mother was against having a junior. In fact, his original birth certificate had an entirely different name on it. But then his dad begged, his mom relented, and so Bob ended up a junior (as the story goes). As I've told his mom (and the rest of the family), I'll be way more of a bitch than she was. I will not have a third. I will not give in during the 11th hour. I will not change my child's birth certificate once it's signed.

So. Charles David. Charlie. My Charlie Bear. It's what I'm pulling for. Let's hope it happens. Because we all know, when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Friday, November 22, 2013

22 weeks!

I had a doctors appointment today. I was a little disappointed, because I wanted to see my little boogie. But it was an appointment only. Insurance will only pay for "medically necessary" ultrasounds. Next time I go in, my doc is going to "need" to measure the baby to make sure its not overweight or underweight. So I'll get to see him three weeks! Once I get through 28 weeks, I'll be going in every two weeks for appointments. It's getting closer!!

I was able to get an audio recording of his heartbeat. It's so strong and perfect!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bump watch. 21 weeks!

So this was the bump last week. I'm not taking weekly pictures yet. I figured I'd wait until later on in my pregnancy before I started with weeklies. Truthfully, I'll probably forget to take them anyway...

This is 21 ish weeks. As my Mom pointed out when I sent her the pic- My boobs finally stick out further than my belly. I hope that was a compliment...

From the seated position, I'm definitely large and in charge!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to raise our child.

This week, Bob has left the fuzzy butts and I home alone to travel to Maine. His Grandpa is currently living there (with one of his kids), and he's not in the best of health. Bob went up to spend a couple days with him. No one knows for sure how long Gpa will be here, so Bob wanted the chance to see him again.

Since he's been there, Bob has purchased groceries for the Aunt and Uncle Gpa is living with, and he's cooked them dinner tonight (with enough for leftovers). It makes me so proud that he's so thoughtful and generous. He didn't have to do all that. He didn't need any prodding from me. He just decided to do it.

When I see Bob do things like this, it makes so happy and proud that he will be the father of my children. When he sees that there is something he can do to help someone, he does it. He doesn't expect a single thing in return. He does it because he wants to make that other person happy. While he was in training in Little Rock back during the summer, he spent a weekend and went down to see our families. I didn't expect him to stop in and see MY grandparents, but he did. He spent the afternoon with them, and it meant the world to them. They are still talking about his visit 6 months later.

I want our son to be like this. I want him to genuinely respect his elders. I want him to see an opportunity to help someone, or make someone's day, or go out of his way to be kind to someone in need, and do it. I know it will take urging and examples from Bob and I to teach our kids this. We can show them through actions how we want them to grow up. We can mold them and help them learn to respect their elders, to see how to care for others, to have good manners. To say yes ma'am, no sir, yes thank you, and please. To treat others how they would want to be treated. To respect other peoples opinions and beliefs. To know that being different is okay.  These are things that are very important to me and Bob. I'm excited to watch our son grow up and become the man his dad is today.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Large and in charge.

Being pregnant is such a weird thing. I've never in my life weighed this much or had such a large stomach. Obviously, I know. It's just bizarre to know how large I am. And my boobs. Good lord. I don't understand how they're going to get larger, but as I understand, they will. They're interrupting conversations they're so big. As in, I'm talking and whoever I'm talking to waits for me to pause for a breath before saying, "Damn your boobs are enormous."

Baby G is racking up on good stuff too. His Aunt Carly sent him some cute bibs and onesies, and his Auntie Ashley brought him some adorable Saints gear for next football season. I'm so ready for him to be here, and not just to dress him, but to hang out with him!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sugar much?

I've reached a new level. I've just bulk ordered Wonka Giant Chewy Nerds. A case of them. At least it wasn't a case of pickles... yet.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Houston: we have movement!!

Last night, after polishing off three Halloween size Kit Kats, I felt little dude move! I'm so very excited that I finally felt him. At this point, I'm kind of still assuming it was him. My stomach wasn't bothering me, I wasn't gassy, and I wasn't moving around. So that leads me to believe it was my baby guy.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


So at my last appointment with Dr J, we talked about my gastroparesis. Use The Google to see what that is. Anyway, my main symptom is vomiting, and it's been fairly under control during my pregnancy. Dr J had warned me that it typically gets worse during pregnancy, but I thought I had dodged a bullet. I was wrong.

At this point, I've gotten over my morning sickness and my allergies, but now my GP has flared up and my ankles have started to swell.

I'm so ready for baby to be here!!