Lately, Bob and I have separately realized how unique our every day lives are compared to others. For him, it came when he was trying to schedule our house stuff around his work days. For me, it's been trying to explain to peeps how excited I was for him to be home for my birthday (and next for our anniversary- SQUEE!).
It's not totally normal to be away from your spouse 4 days a week, and then usually only see them at bedtime the other 3 days. We have to plan our lives around his uncertain schedule, which means we really don't plan, which means I've lost a lot of hair and sleep trying to curb my OCD.
For example, I'm having foot surgery next week. I've known for years that I need this surgery, and I've been putting it off forever. Well now, we're ready to start talking about kids. Like as in, this year. I don't want to be pregnant with a unfixed foot, and if I wait until after babies, I probably won't do it. So we decided this was my year for the fixture. I want Bob in town for the actual surgery. If something went wrong, I'd want him there with me. The only time for us to coordinate that? In between the "vacation" he's taking for our anniversary and his 6-8 week long training out of state.
So. I have surgery on Friday and he leaves sometime early the next week, like Monday potentially, for Washington state. Does it work? In theory, yes. In practicality? We'll see. Luckily, his Mom is coming to stay with me for a few days post-op to help me maneuver life, and I'm super grateful she's available to come babysit!
This post isn't meant as a pity party, it's just confirmation of a realization that our lives aren't normal, but it works for us because we work hard at it.