Sunday, January 27, 2013

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

We'll start with the ugly:

Yesterday morning, I fell down our stairs. Yep. It wasn't all of them, but I still did some damage. I slipped on the very top step, went airborne (think cartoon-ish situation), and landed on the 4th step down and the landing. It wouldn't have been too bad, except my lower back made the first contact with the edge of the step. My lower back is already screwed, and that little mishap didn't exactly help my situation. I ended up at Urgent Care, where Dr. Brown told me I had blunt force trauma and muscle stiffness. No shit, Doc. He gave me some good drugs and sent me home.

The bad: Bob is leaving tomorrow for his "fake deployment." He deploys (for real) all the time. Now, not only does he real deploy, he fake deploys as well. Basically, there are people in the military who will NEVER deploy. Finance people, office people, on-base people. Tomorrow, those people are being "deployed" so they'll know what to do should they ever be deployed. EXCEPT THEY WILL NEVER ACTUALLY DEPLOY. Bob is the pilot for their "mission" so he has to go sit in ______, Georgia, for 5 days. It's just pure bullshit.

Now for the good: The amazing actually. I'd like to say thank you to everyone who thought happy, job offering thought to me. I GOT THE JOB!!! My absolute dream job. They called and offered on Thursday, and I accepted immediately, with a start date of February 11. YAY!!!!