Thursday, November 20, 2014

For my teensy little boy.

So World Prematurity Day was this week. My newsfeed has been filled with pictures and stories of babies who arrived before they were expected. A lot of them were delivered at 35 weeks and even later. I see these babies, tiny, sick, undeveloped, and it amazes me that Charlie was as perfect as he was when he was born. I've questioned Doctor J so many times about whether or not his due date was accurate. Every time she tells me yes, it was right based on measurements and development.

My happy, curious, active little boy stuns me every day. He loves to learn and discover new things. He loves to watch the big kids play outside in our street. He loves Hank, and Hank loves him. One day soon, he'll love to walk!! I feel like he's within days of being upright!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Light bulb.

Sooo. I had an epiphany today. So far in Charlie's life, I've thought motherhood was fairly easy. All in all, Charlie hasn't been a difficult baby. Bob and I have rolled in to parenthood fairly seamlessly. Until last week.

Charles. Is. Mobile.

Last week, he decided to crawl, climb, and cruise. And this week, he's trying to walk. Holy balls. I spend my days chasing this kid, watching his every move, staying on edge to catch him, keeping he and Hank's toys separate so no teeth are shown. Charlie has 4 going on 7, by the way.

We have entered a whole new quarter in this ballgame. It's fun, but exhausting!